Free educational and topical seminars
Wales & West
Keep up to date on the latest topics through our free seminars, discussions and workshops presented by industry experts.
EXPERT speakers
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Seminar programme
Seminar sessions running concurrently

Room 1
10:00 am
Moving & handling with behaviours and presentations that may challenge
Aurndra Golden – Occupational Therapist
Disabled Living
The presentation will cover what is meant by the term behaviours that challenge, the common types of behaviours that challenge and considerations to make when conducting a moving and handling risk assessment.
The session discusses the challenges faced by practitioners when providing handling solutions for someone who demonstrates challenging behaviour and explains how a positive behavioural approach can be invaluable in reaching a positive outcome for all.
Learning Objectives and Learning Outcomes:
• To understand what is meant by behaviours that challenge and the main types of behaviours that challenge.
• To understand the interface between the individual, their environment and the resulting behaviours.
• To understand why trigger factors must be considered in the moving and handling risk assessment and plan.
This seminar is suitable for parents, carers and professionals.

Room 2
10:00 am
Free early powered mobility for your school – Bugzi School Squads
Kate El Bizanti, Children’s Occupational Therapist & Clinical Lead for the Bugzi Loan Scheme
MERU & Mobility Services
Bugzi is an early powered mobility device that is provided on FREE loan across the UK. Bugzi provides a high level of postural support and flexible controls including a joystick and switches.
Bugzi can be used as an introduction to powered wheelchairs; however, it is also important for other developmental milestones such as cause-and-effect, independence, special awareness, interpersonal relationships and participation.
The Bugzi Loan Scheme has recently expanded into Bugzis School Squads. This seminar will ensure the attendee understands:
• What is Bugzi.
• How the Bugzi Loan Scheme works.
• How the Bugzi School Squads work.
• How to access Bugzis for their school.

Room 1
11:00 am
Ready or not? Skill development for toilet training
Davina Richardson – RGN/RSCN, BSc (Hons)
Children’s Specialist Nurse
Bladder & Bowel UK
Many families do not know when or how to start working towards toilet training. This is even more likely to be the case when children have physical, learning or developmental disabilities, autism and/or sensory differences.
This session is designed to help families and professionals understand the skills needed for children to successfully toilet train and how to support them to develop those skills.
It will include discussion about when and how the skills for toilet training should be introduced and provide practical hints and tips. There will also be information about available resources and where to access support.

Room 2
11:00 am
SEND and IDPs – Know your rights
Eleanor Swain, Solicitor
Irwin Mitchell LLP
We will take parents through:
• The difficulties in obtaining an Individual Development Plan (IDP).
• What an IDP should look like.
• Tips on securing special school placements.
• Parental rights through the processes.
• Annual reviews.
• Ceasing an IDP.
• Challenging decisions about assessments / IDPs.
By the end of the session, parents should be empowered to challenge the LA decisions and know the appropriate route to challenge the LA.
Parents will know more about what an IDP should look like which will, hopefully, inform them as they move through the process of drafting an IDP or reviewing an IDP at annual review.

Room 1
12:00 pm
Spinal Stimulation: Improving physiological outcomes in children with Spina Bifida
Bronwen Warner, Specialist Paediatric Physiotherapist
Shine Charity
Spinal neuromodulation is proving a game changer in the management of children with spina bifida. Shine is supporting families and pioneering research in this area. This presentation aims to: describe the latest developments in non – invasive electrical stimulation, specifically spinal electrical stimulation in the therapeutic management of children with spina bifida.
By the end of this seminar delegates will:
• Understand advantages, limitations, contraindications and indications for use of spinal electrical stimulation in children with spina bifida.
• Understand various mechanisms by which spinal electrical stimulation can affect the peripheral neuromuscular peripheral vascular, skeletal and central nervous systems.
• See evidence of effectiveness and results so far.

Room 2
12:00 pm
Physio has many forms……Hippotherapy, hydrotherapy and rebound
Vicky Fudge, Highly Specialist Physiotherapist
Alex Terebecka, ABC physio and NHS
Looking at the adjuncts that can be used to work alongside physiotherapy input to help improve outcomes for a child or adult. Finding activities children love will mean that they will continue them and often they do not know they are doing ‘hidden ‘ physiotherapy. We will discuss what are options, where to find them and how they help.

Room 1
2:00 pm
Step Aside: The importance of side-stepping for children with Neurodisability
Rebekah Moynihan, Physiotherapist
Hip displacement is one of the most common issues affecting children with a neurodisability warranting continuous monitoring and carefully planned interventions, to prevent secondary complications and aid joint development. In typically developing children, cruising and side-stepping strengthens hip muscles, aiding hip joint development and acting as an important precursor for independent mobility.
Children with additional needs often require extra input to strengthen their hip abductor muscles. In this talk, we’ll explore how side-stepping movements contribute to improving hip strength, gait and overall function. Practical strategies and helpful tips will be discussed, with handouts and resources available for all attendees.

Room 2
2:00 pm
A ‘common sense’ approach to adaptive seating: Consideration of sensory needs
Kayleah Cooper, National Clinical Training Manager
Jiraffe Ltd
In this seminar we will provide an overview of sensory needs and impairments in the children we care for, and discuss how often we truly factor these needs in the prescription of adaptive seating.
Do we consider the prescription of adaptive seating in children with sensory processing disorders but minimal physical impairment?
Do we factor sensory impairment in children with complex physical needs when tailoring their individualised seating system?
We will discuss the relationship between sensory disorders, posture and function, and the significance of this to successful seating provision. This seminar is suitable for parents, carers, and professionals.

Room 1
3:00 pm
Steps to success: Creating a foundation for a successful AAC journey
Becky Martin, Clinical AAC Specialist (Qualified Speech & Language Therapist)
This seminar is designed to provide practical ideas and suggestions to support all areas of AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) development. From early evidence gathering and finding funding to supporting AAC in different environments, we’ll share snap shots of success and examples from experience of working with a wide range of AAC users.
Learning Outcomes:
• Learn what successful AAC development looks like.
• Understand how to create opportunities for AAC development in different environments.
• Be able to identify possible funding routes for AAC devices.
This seminar is suitable for parents, carers and professionals.

Room 2
3:00 pm
Changing the landscape of support for children with Global Developmental Delay/ Emerging Learning Disability
Dr Emma Johnston, Clinical Psychologist & Lead for Llygad Early Years Experience Team
Hannah Newton, Graduate Mental Health Worker
St David’s Children’s Centre
This seminar is about changing the landscape of support for children with Global Developmental Delay (GDD). This approach is led by Llygad (EYE; Early years’ experience team) in Cardiff and Vale NHS. Llygad are a small team who support children under 5 with GDD / an emerging learning disability, and their families.
The seminar will answer:
• What do we mean by the Social Model and the Medical Model, and Ableism and Disablism?
• How that might impact on how we work in services for children with disabilities?
• What do we mean by the terms Global Developmental Delay (GDD) and Learning Disability?
• How do we meet these children’s needs while not trying to just ‘manage’ behaviours?
• What are some of the parental experiences of having a child with GDD / learning disability?
It will also share:
• Clinical example of co-production in action- i.e. E-PAtS, a co-developed and co-delivered support group for parent carers of children with GDD / emerging learning disability.
• Parent and carers experiences of co-production and being part of the E-PAtS team.
There will be some interactive elements to allow for reflection and sharing of experience.
This seminar is suitable for parents and professionals.