Free seminars
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Seminar sessions running concurrently

Room 1
10:00 am
Sling Selection
Aurndra Marshall-Clarke, Occupational Therapist
Adapt & Live
This session will cover all the factors that should be considered when prescribing a sling for a client. It will include sling sizing, hoist/sling compatibility, the transfer being executed, client’s presentation (medical needs, postural needs, skin integrity, fluctuating condition, size and shape), LOLER, what to include on the handling plan and wider considerations.
Delegates who are professionals will be able to integrate the information to inform their assessments and prescription, ensuring they are following best practice. Parents, carers and others will have an understanding of all the factors the professional has to consider in the assessment process to help them better understand why a particular sling has been prescribed. They will also be able to use this information to inform the professional involved in the care of the individual if they feel current prescription is no longer meeting need or LOLER requirements. Aurndra has over 40 years experience of working across Health, Social Care and the Private Sector. Best Interest Assessor, Postural Management Specialist, Trainer in Moving and Handling and Trusted Assessor levels 3 and 4. Behavioral support specialist. Posture management specialist. Vice CEO of NAEP, North Regional Chair of NAEP.

Room 2
10:00 am
Top 10 Tips for Seating Success
James Gilmour, Occupational Therapist
“He’s slid forward again!” “Tighten that pelvic belt!” “Her head’s in a funny position!” These are just a few of the frustrations that clinicians and carers experience when working with adaptive seating. The reality is, no single seating solution works for every child—and it’s important to recognise potential challenges and know how to address them. This workshop will offer a ‘Top 10’ set of strategies to help clinicians and carers customise seating systems to meet the unique needs of each child. We’ll explore key factors such as the development of the spine, how visual impairments can influence posture, the importance of moving away from the 90-90-90 seating principles, and the impact of foam cushions on comfort and positioning.
Attendees will leave with 10 practical tools and increased confidence to assess and adjust adaptive seating systems effectively. James is a BSc Occupational Therapy. PgDip Advancing Practice with 9 years post registration experience within paediatrics.

Room 1
11:00 am
Troubles with Toilet Training
Davina Richardson – RGN/RSCN, BSc (Hons)
Children’s Specialist Nurse
Bladder & Bowel UK
Toilet training can be challenging for parents and children, but is an important self-care skill. Understanding about how best to support children develop required skills has evolved and includes an increased awareness of some specific issues. This seminar will discuss some of the difficulties, including due to different processing, sensory issues, mobility issues and communication styles. It will also offer suggestions for techniques to support children achieve their potential to be clean and dry. The seminar is relevant for families and professionals supporting children with any additional need or disability, including due to autism, developmental differences, learning or physical disability.
Davina has 18+ years experience working as a specialist children’s bladder and bowel nurse.

Room 2
11:00 am
Supporting Emotional Regulation in Autistic Children: Strategies for Co-Regulation, Self-Regulation, and Sensory Needs
Cynthia Gouveia Caria, Outreach Consultant
Emotional regulation is essential to the well-being of all children but can pose as a barrier for autistic children who may require tailored approaches that consider sensory processing differences, a preference for routine, among other factors. This seminar offers parents, professionals and educator’s practical strategies for understanding and supporting emotional regulation through proactive, individualised methods. Participants will explore how sensory processing differences impact emotional states and learn to apply co-regulation strategies as a foundation for self-regulation. They will also gain insight into the behaviour cycle and understand how the Zones of Regulation framework can build emotional awareness while guiding the creation of personalised regulation ‘toolboxes’. By integrating these strategies and focusing on language and validation, attendees will leave with the ability to help children navigate emotional challenges effectively, promoting greater independence and resilience. Cynthia is a Psychology graduate with four years experience supporting early intervention programs and working as a PBS practitioner in a multidisciplinary team. She has also worked as a behavioural therapist for individuals with autism and learning disabilities, contributing to AFLS projects and winning an APT-RAID award.

Room 1
12:00 pm
Walk With Me: Use of Adaptive Walking Frames for Children with Physical Disability
Kayleah Cooper, National Clinical Training Manager
In this informative and engaging seminar, we will discuss the importance of adaptive walking frames for children with physical disability. We will discuss useful adaptive walking frame features and tips for matching prescription to the child. We will utilise clinical evidence to help show supported mobility is still an integral part of the 24-hour postural care programme for children with more complex physical disability. We will also discuss typical challenges that can arise with adaptive walking frame prescription throughout the child’s life, and aim to give therapists more confidence on how to navigate these challenges. We will encourage our audience to critically evaluate what the child-centred goals of mobility should be.
Objectives and Learning:
• Discuss typical development of gait and benefits of walking and physical activity
• Identify different types of walking aids and match to user needs
• Features of adaptive walking frames – benefits and tips
• Highlight benefits of adaptive walking frame use with evidence-based research
• Discuss prescription considerations in early years and adolescence, moderate and complex physical needs.
• 24-hour postural care vs 24-hour movement
• Identify typical challenges and barriers with adaptive walking frame prescription
• Strategies to make walking frame use truly child-centred, an F-Word focus Kayleah is a Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) and over ten years experience in Postural Management.

Room 2
12:00 pm
Where Do They Go When They Leave?” – Transition to adult services for young people with complex neurodisabilities.
Paula Marten, Assistant Head Teacher
Chailey Heritage Foundation
Leaving a special school is a frightening prospect for many young people and their families. When visiting Chailey Heritage school, people often ask me – “Where do they go when they leave?” In this presentation, I will answer this question. I will explain the challenges facing families, what defines successful transition to adult services, and what we do at Chailey Heritage Foundation to enable this. I will talk about the future and what needs to happen. The experience we have gained at Chailey Heritage in recent years working with families as their son or daughter prepares to leave school will be of value and interest to others who are facing the same experience – either as a parent, carer, family member, or professional. I will reference current literature and legislation on the topic. Paula has worked in post-16 Special Education for 29 years and leads on Transition to Adult Services at CHF. She led the development of services to support young people and their families through the NHS Continuing Care/Continuing Healthcare assessment process, raised the profile of Transition to Adult services, speaking at All Party Parliamentary Groups, contributing to the 2022 Government report on Transition to Adulthood, writing articles for national publications and working with schools and parent/carer forums in the Southeast. She also delivers the Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) training for teachers, carers and parents across the UK. At the core of this, enabling people to make choices, enjoy meaningful connections with others and keep themselves safe – no matter how severe their disabilities.
1:00 pm

Room 1
The power of physcial abilities
Amanda Frolich, Physical Development Specialist
Amanda’s Action Club
Physical development with fun activities to music. Learn how to confidently deliver physical development in your setting or at home with the children in your care. Using versatile props and modern nursery rhymes, I will teach you how to learn through play, the Action Amanda way! Amanda is a fitness instructor and sports coach with over 35 years experience working with children, it’s now time to give my knowledge to others in a fun environment.

Room 1
1:30 pm
Holistic considerations for supporting an AAC user
Jay Tucker, Assistive Technology Specialist
The journey of an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) user is layered and about much more than the communication aid they use. This seminar explores the journey beyond the tech, emphasising the importance of a holistic approach.
We will examine communication strategies, independence tools, social inclusion, emotional wellbeing, and environmental influences.
By considering the full context of an AAC user’s life, we can better support their network—including family, educators, clinicians, and the wider community—to create an inclusive and empowering environment.
Learning Outcomes:
-Understand the diverse factors that impact an AAC user’s communication and independence
-Explore strategies to support emotional wellbeing and social connections
-Identify tools and adaptations that promote greater independence
-Recognise the role of the wider support network in enhancing AAC effectiveness
By bringing these elements together, we can create more opportunities for AAC users to express themselves and take part in everyday life with confidence.

Room 2
1:30 pm
Understanding Autism and Neurodivergence
Caudwell Children
Caudwell Children are a national charity providing services and support to disabled and neurodivergent children, striving to ensure all children have the choice, opportunity, dignity and understanding they deserve.
Clinical professionals from Caudwell Children’s Specialist Autism Service will present a popular seminar which includes:
• An introduction to Autism – including examples of autistic experience, and indicators to look out for
• Autism as a neurotype – introducing the concept of neurodiversity and natural variation in humans, including recognition of other neurotypes (e.g. ADHD)
• Assessment and diagnosis – a brief outline of the assessment process and considerations for families and professionals about when/how to refer for assessment
• Strategies for supporting autistic and neurodivergent children – including communication tools, creating structure and predictability, emotional regulation strategies, adapting the environment and supporting acceptance and understanding.
Ultimately equipping families and professionals alike to better understand and support neurodivergent children.

Room 1
2:30 pm
EHCPs: Navigating transitions and preparing for adulthood
Lauren Haines, Solicitor
Irwin Mitchell LLP
Transitions are an inevitable part of any child’s education, but for children with special educational needs (SEN) – and particularly for children with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) – these transitions present a unique range of challenges and processes. In this talk, we will give an overview of what parents should expect from the ‘phase transfer’ process, how parents and young people can prepare for the transition into adulthood, and how to address (and hopefully avoid) some common challenges and pitfalls. Lauren is a Solicitor in the Public Law and Human Rights team specialising in Education law. She represents children, parents and young people in a range of appeals to the SEND Tribunal . Lauren also advises parents on school exclusions, school admission appeals, judicial review actions against Local Authorities and complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman. In addition, Lauren has a background in Court of Protection work and is experienced in working with vulnerable people and their families.

Room 2
2:30 pm
Conductive Education Reimagined: Shaping the Future of Paediatric Services
Orsolya Farkas, Director of Service Development, Senior Conductor
Conductive Education (CE) is a holistic approach designed for individuals with neurological conditions and movement disorders. By focusing on abilities rather than limitations, CE empowers individuals to reach their full potential. It seamlessly integrates with other therapies, making it a valuable component of multidisciplinary teams (MDT), where participants can confidently apply their skills in daily life. Objectives:
– Unpack how CE transforms lives with its holistic approach.
– Explore innovative practices that enhance CE, from integrated therapies to personalized group and individual sessions.
– Highlight CE’s vital role within an MDT.
– Introduce the Integrated Therapy Model for better outcomes.
Learning Outcomes:
– Understand orthofunctional personality and its impact on independence.
– Learn how CE focuses on potential over diagnosis, encouraging skill use in real-life contexts.
– Discover how CE complements and enhances other therapies within an MDT.
– Gain insight into the Integrated Therapy Model for optimal outcomes. Orsolya has a degree in Conductive Education and QTS, with 15 years experience in Conductive Education, and 6 years in SEN nursery and reception teaching, as well as years of experience in working, leading and managing multi-discipinary clinical team in paediatrics.