Free CPD seminars Middle 2025

Keep up to date on the latest topics through our free seminars, discussions and workshops presented by industry experts.

EXPERT speakers
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Seminar programme

Seminar sessions running concurrently

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Room 1

10:00 am

Sling Selection

Aurndra Marshall-Clarke – Occupational Therapist

Disabled Living

This session will cover all the factors that should be considered when prescribing a sling for a client. It will include sling sizing, hoist/sling compatibility, the transfer being executed, client’s presentation (medical needs, postural needs, skin integrity, fluctuating condition, size and shape), LOLER, what to include on the handling plan and wider considerations.

Delegates who are professionals will be able to integrate the information to inform their assessments and prescription, ensuring they are following best practice. Parents, carers and others will have an understanding of all the factors the professional has to consider in the assessment process to help them better understand why a particular sling has been prescribed. They will also be able to use this information to inform the professional involved in the care of the individual if they feel current prescription is no longer meeting need or LOLER requirements.

Aurndra has over 40 years experience of working across Health, Social Care and the Private Sector. Best Interest Assessor, Postural Management Specialist, Trainer in Moving and Handling and Trusted Assessor levels 3 and 4. Behavioral support specialist. Posture management specialist. Vice CEO of NAEP, North Regional Chair of NAEP. Currently working as an Occupational Therapist in the Adapt and Live team at Disabled Living, delivering training, providing advice and assessing people using the Hilite remote assessment system.

Room 2

10:00 am

Wheelchair users in education: Whizz Kidz research and the impact of the right wheelchair

Jo Fashan – Associate Director

Whizz Kidz accompanied by a member of the Youth Board

The seminar will focus on some key outcomes and feedback from our recent research into the experiences of young wheelchair users in education. We undertook research with young people and education professionals to identify themes and our own Youth Board have compiled recommendations. We will also discuss the impact of having the right wheelchair in an education setting, particularly through transition into higher / tertiary education and employment. Jo is Associate Director at Whizz Kidz leading the policy and engagement team. Together they campaign for change with our young people around topics such as education, employment, travel and access.

Room 1

11:00 am

Troubles with Toilet Training

Davina Richardson RGN/RSCN – Children’s Specialist Nurse

Bladder & Bowel UK

Toilet training can be challenging for parents and children, but is an important self-care skill. Understanding about how best to support children develop required skills has evolved and includes an increased awareness of some specific issues.

This seminar will discuss some of the difficulties, including due to different processing, sensory issues, mobility issues and communication styles. It will also offer suggestions for techniques to support children achieve their potential to be clean and dry.

The seminar is relevant for families and professionals supporting children with any additional need or disability, including due to autism, developmental differences, learning or physical disability.

Davina has 18+ years experience working as a specialist children’s bladder and bowel nurse.

Room 2

11:00 am

Top Tips for Building Relationships with Parent/Carers.

Rachel Wright – Director/Founder

Born at the Right Time

The objective of this seminar is to share our unique insights on building excellent relationships from ‘both sides of the bed’.

We’ll provide perspective, and practical recommendations that come from being parents of disabled children, as well as practitioners.

The objectives of this session, are for Parent-Carers to be able to share their experience of how good relationships can build bridges, improve communication and ultimately improve the lives of the children they love. For professionals, the learning outcomes will give support to foster productive relationships with parent/carers and ultimately improve the care they deliver.

Rachel Wright is a qualified nurse, married to a GP and unqualified mum of three; one of whom has complex disabilities and medical needs. She is an Author, Trainer, Podcast Host and an Award-Winning Blogger.

Room 1

12:00 pm

Understanding Autism and Neurodivergence

Speakers TBA

Caudwell Children

Caudwell Children are a national charity providing services and support to disabled and neurodivergent children, striving to ensure all children have the choice, opportunity, dignity and understanding they deserve.

Clinical professionals from Caudwell Children’s Specialist Autism Service will present a popular seminar which includes:

• An introduction to Autism – including examples of autistic experience, and indicators to look out for

• Autism as a neurotype – introducing the concept of neurodiversity and natural variation in humans, including recognition of other neurotypes (e.g. ADHD)

• Assessment and diagnosis – a brief outline of the assessment process and considerations for families and professionals about when/how to refer for assessment

• Strategies for supporting autistic and neurodivergent children – including communication tools, creating structure and predictability, emotional regulation strategies, adapting the environment and supporting acceptance and understanding.

Ultimately equipping families and professionals alike to better understand and support neurodivergent children.     

Room 2

12:00 pm

The Skies We’re Under Podcast LIVE with special guest ‘Lost Voice Guy’, Lee Ridley, winner of Britain’s Got Talent 2018.

Rachel Wright, Director/Founder, Born at the Right Time with Sarah Clayton, Lucy Parr and special guest Lee Ridley (Lost Voice Guy)

In a first for Kidz to Adultz, Lee Ridley, aka Lost Voice Guy, will join Rachel, Sarah, and Lucy for a live recording of The Skies We’re Under podcast in Coventry. Lee, who won Britain’s Got Talent in 2018, is known for his unique comedy using an iPad to speak. He’s also a three-time recipient of the Shaw Trust’s Disability Power 100 List, which recognizes the UK’s most influential disabled people. Lee’s debut book, I’m Only in It for the Parking, offers insight into his life and experiences as a comedian with a disability.

Come and join Lee with The Skies We’re Under team for a live recording of this inspiring podcast by and for families of people with disabilities and the many practitioners who support them. It promises to have the usual irreverent, warm and entertaining conversation which hallmarks this popular, 5* podcast every week.

Room 1

1:30 pm

Supporting the mental health of individuals with complex communication needs

Becky Fry Clinical AAC Specialist (SLT)


Recent research indicates that the rate of mental health issues is much higher among those with complex communication needs (Watson, Reghavendra & Crocker, 2021). This group are more likely to experience abuse, stress, anxiety, and ableism, which can contribute significantly to mental health issues. During this talk we will cover ways we can best support and safeguard people who use AAC, so that they have access to and understand how and when to use language to discuss their mental health and wellness.

Discover vocabulary that can help AAC users engage in fruitful communication with others about their mental state and engage in self-talk.

Learn about tools to support AAC users to build and maintain relationships. For example, ways to access online discussions or social media, send emails and make calls with their device, and maintain conversations with peers.

Understand how the absence of mental health vocabulary may result in AAC users being under-identified with mental health conditions and subsequently deprived of access to important supports and therapy.

Becky is a Clinical AAC Specialist at Smartbox with over 19 years experience in AAC. Becky qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist in 2005, with experience across various settings including education, care homes, residential settings, medium secure units, hospitals, and the prison service

Room 2

1:30 pm

The Transition From School: 4 Things I wish I’d known

Graham Caldow Author & Life Coach to Families with Children with Additional Needs

Red Giraffe Solutions

The transition from school towards adulthood involves many people not least families. The role we play is invaluable, and looking at what others have done can make us feel better equipped to support our young person in their decision making. In this talk I will share my experiences and the things I wish I had known.

Learning outcomes:

• To be able to understand the need for a clear vision

• To be able to assess the options

• To be able to compare the importance of attitude and ability

• To be able to examine progress made to guide future planning.

Graham is a parent of a daughter with additional needs and has firsthand experience navigating many of the challenges that other parents face when transitioning their child from school to the next stage of life.

Room 1

2:30 pm

EHCP Annual Reviews & Specifying Provision – Know Your Rights!

Erika Wright, Solicitor

Irwin Mitchell

This presentation will take parents through:

• An overview of the Annual Review process and provide tips and tricks on the appropriate content of a review and how to ensure they are legally compliant.

• How to identify when you have a final EHCP with the right of appeal and how to secure amendments.

• How to get and specify 1:1 TA time in an EHCP

• What you can do when your child is not receiving their EHCP provision.

• The difference between home school and EOTAS (Education Otherwise than at School).

By the end of the session, parents should be empowered to ensure Local Authorities adhere to the Annual Review timetable and how and when to use the Annual Review process. Parents will know more about what a specified EHCP should look like, how to enforce missing provision. Parents will have clearer understanding of the difference between home school and EOTAS.

Erika is a qualified solicitor for 4 years specialising in Education (SEN) and Court of Protection law.

Room 2

2:30 pm

Supporting Emotional Regulation in Autistic Children: Strategies for Co-Regulation, Self-Regulation, and Sensory Needs

Cynthia Gouveia Caria, Outreach Consultant

Emotional regulation is essential to the well-being of all children but can pose as a barrier for autistic children who may require tailored approaches that consider sensory processing differences, a preference for routine, among other factors.

This seminar offers parents, professionals and educator’s practical strategies for understanding and supporting emotional regulation through proactive, individualised methods.

Participants will explore how sensory processing differences impact emotional states and learn to apply co-regulation strategies as a foundation for self-regulation. They will also gain insight into the behaviour cycle and understand how the Zones of Regulation framework can build emotional awareness while guiding the creation of personalised regulation ‘toolboxes’.

By integrating these strategies and focusing on language and validation, attendees will leave with the ability to help children navigate emotional challenges effectively, promoting greater independence and resilience.