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Imagine ID is a research project funded by the Medical Research Council looking at how a child’s DNA affects development, particularly in relation to learning disorders. The study wants to answer a question parents often ask when their child receives a genetic diagnosis: What does this mean for my child?

We want to understand the challenges families face, help improve care and find better treatments.

We need your help. Can your family take part?

If your child is aged 4 or over and has intellectual disability due to a genetic cause then yes you can! After you complete an online questionnaire, you will receive a personalised summary report of your child’s strengths and challenges. You will also receive a copy of our children’s book Avery. We have welcomed over 2000 families to the study but we need more! Please join our research project – contact us:

Helping children understand genetic illness

Most days I’m like the other birds. Other days though, I am not. And I have to be very brave.

Avery, a children’s book, produced through a collaboration between the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University, tells the story of a young bird who is born to be different from the other birds.

Being born with a genetic disease can be confusing and frightening, not only for a child, but also their parents and siblings. This book was created to help parents start what is often a difficult conversation with their child.


Avery is available to order online:      Tel: 01223 254631

Find them at Kidz to Adultz Wales & West!

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